Birchwood Community Center
10:00 a.m.
Present: Phyllis Narus, Paula Copple, Wanda Kelley, Carla Boudrot, Jane Collins, Steve Prentice, Tawanda Privett, Hayden Monfette, Sue MacDuff, Denita McCulley, Mary Furley, Christie Bowie, Ron Bowie, and Special Guest-Dr. Lind from the Arrowmont School
Business: Carla Boudrot, President, brought the meeting to order after an hour of personal projects work by attendees.
Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report passed as read. Addition: A motion to accept the Minutes as read was made by Tawanda; seconded by Paula; motion passed.
Old Business:
- Pioneer Days at the Audubon Acres – November 18-23, 2024, lunch provided, attendees will be mostly children. If interested in demonstrating their work, please contact Steve.
- Summer Top Project status – Monday at 9am in the Birchwood Community Center Cafeteria will be the reveal. Correction: The "sewing" day is Monday, September 30th at 9 am at the Birchwood Community Center.
- Next month, October, is time for the nominating committee to choose officers for next year. Please contact one of the committee members (Phyllis, Paula, or Denita), if you are interested and willing to holding an office next year.
- Even though some guild members will be attending and/or teaching at the Southeastern Animal Fiber Festival in October, the SVH Guild still plans on meeting at the regular scheduled meeting time, October 19, 2024.
New Business: Holiday Luncheon will be at Steve’s studio, details to follow. It is scheduled for Saturday, December 14th, 2024 at noon, and will be a potluck style luncheon.
Today’s Program: Dr. Lind with the Arrowmont School made a presentation about the new project of interviewing current guild members, students, etc. who have many years of experience to share those experiences so that the history of weaving may continue to be captured and documented. If interested in participating in this endeavor, please contact Dr. Lind directly.
Next Meeting: October 19, 2024 at 10:00 am at the Birchwood Community Center. Bring a current project to work on.
Next Month’s Program – Tawanda is going to give instruction, information, and insights into tapestry weaving.
Denita McCulley, Secretary
MINUTES--August 17, 2024
Birchwood Community Center
10 a.m.
Present: Carla Boudrot, Steve Prentice, Phyllis Narus, Paula Copple, Jane Collins, Tawanda Privett, Sue MacDuff, Hayden Monfette & James McKissic, guest.
President Carla brought the meeting to order after an hour of personal project work by attendees.
Minutes: in the absence of the secretary, Carla read last month’s minutes. Phyllis moved to accept them as read; seconded by Sue; motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: in the absence of the treasurer, Carla gave the treasurer’s report. Expenses paid were $65.48 for supplies and $69.95 for the SVH banner; ending balance $3,959.18.
Old Business:
—SVH Banner: Phyllis brought the newly purchased banner for members to see (18” x 72”). Because of the art department’s involvement at the printing company (a logo issue), there was an additional $10 charge. Since the approved amount for the banner was $59.95, Carla moved that the additional $10 be approved to pay; seconded by Steve; motion passed.
—Summer Top Workshop: Phyllis reported that the 2nd workshop (led by Karyn Stagg) to construct the top from our handwoven fabric has been scheduled for Monday, September 23rd at the Birchwood Community Center. An email will be sent to the participants listing items to bring to the workshop.
New Business:
—Pioneer Days at Audubon Acres in Chattanooga: Steve agreed to be our guild’s liaison for this event which is scheduled for November 18-23. Our guild usually has several participants that demonstrate various fiber-related crafts.
—Nominating Committee for SVH 2025 Officers: Carla appointed Phyllis, Paula and Denita to this committee to secure nominations for next year’s officers. All positions are available and elections will take place at the October meeting.
—Holiday Luncheon: this year’s holiday luncheon will be at Steve’s studio. He will announce details at a later time but it will begin at noon on Saturday, December 14th and will be a potluck style luncheon.
—Phyllis announced that several people had asked her to share with the group that they have looms for sale and also vintage circular sock knitting machines.
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent projects (see blog for pics).
Today’s Program: Steve gave a history on various knots used in rug making. He brought several examples as well as a piece where members could try their hand at tying a continuous strand, Turkish or Rya knot.
Next Meeting: September 21, 2024 @ 10:00 AM @ Birchwood Community Center.
Phyllis Narus, Acting Secretary
MINUTES--July 20, 2024
Birchwood Community Center
10 a.m.
Attendance: Steve Prentice, Phyllis Narus, Wanda Kelley, Carla Boudrot, Sue MacDuff, Paula Copple, Hayden Monfette, Jane Collins, Tawanda Privett & guest, Letitia Sokoll, guest.
Meeting Opened by Carla at 11:00 am
Minutes: June Minutes read by Carla; moved to be accepted as read by Tawanda; seconded by Paula; motion passed.
Treasurers report: Wanda reported the balance is the same as last month minus $65.48 for cleaning supplies delivered to Linda at Community Center.
Old business:
—Summer Top Workshop: final sew day sometime in September led by Karyn Stagg.
New business:
A woman from Cleveland has two looms for sale. Info to be put up on the blog (used equipment for sale) for a fixed period of time.
Show and share: check blog for photos.
Meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m. Short break before program.
Program: “Weaving Problems & Solutions” presented by various members of the group.
Miscellaneous Mentions:
—You Tube videos on “Wear Your Weaving” by Sarah Howard, primarily rigid heddle weaving
—”QuickDraw Weaving” software (for Microsoft only) and Treadl.
Reported by Steve Prentice for Denita McCulley
Location: Birchwood Community Center
10:00 AM -12:00 PM
Present June: Phyllis Narus, Paula Copple, Wanda Kelley, Carla Boudrot, Nancy Marucco, Jane Collins, Christie Bowie, Steve Prentice, Tawanda Privett, Hayden Monfette, Sue MacDuff, and Denita McCulley.
Carla Boudrot, President, brought the meeting to order after an hour of personal projects work by attendees.
Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report: stand as read.
Old Business:
Banner for table – Phyllis, no new info at this time; details and pricing are still being discussed.
Workshop finale – Phyllis, it is projected the event will be scheduled in August/September.
BFF Report – Carla/Steve, the booth, registration, as well as participation was a great success again this year.
New Business:
Phyllis--researching details and pricing for a vinyl banner with grommets that is 1’x 6’ or 18" x 6’.
Wanda--supplies are needed for the Birchwood Community Center such as toilet paper, paper towels, cleaner (scrubbing bubbles). It was suggested we match what we gave last year. Then, revisit the needs before the end of the year to determine if they need more.
Today’s Program:
Nancy--the guild challenge was a fun and successful BAA RAM EWE. The participation was good and many interesting and beautiful things were exhibited.
Weaving Events and Updates:
The weaver’s meeting at the Friendship Church at 8000 Middlebrook, Knoxville has moved their meeting to the first Saturday of the month as reported by Sue MacDuff.
Wilderness Weavers--Saturday, August 3, at 566 Randolph Fridley Road, Sweetwater, TN. Bring projects. All day event. Geri Fortner. Wilderness Weavers' Guild | Facebook
The Townsend Art Center/Townsend Artisan Guild will be opening their archives (history) on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Townsend Art Center (Townsend Artisan Guild)
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects.
Next Meeting: July 20, 2024 @ 10:00 AM @ Birchwood Community Center. Bring a current project to work on from 10-11:00 am. R&M Yarns will be open at 9 to 9:30 am shopping time.
Birchwood Community Center
10 a.m.
Present: Phyllis Narus, Paula Copple, Wanda Kelley, Carla Boudrot, Nancy Marucco, Jane Collins, Christie Bowie, Steve Prentice, Candy Frederick, Tawanda Privett, and Denita McCulley.
Carla Boudrot, President, brought the meeting to order after an hour of personal projects work by attendees.
Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report stand as read.
Old Business: Summer Top from handwoven fabric workshop was held on April 26, 2024. The second part of this workshop is tentatively scheduled for June, but is to be determined.
The Hot Slaw Festival was successful! Thank you to all you participated.
The postcard for SVH was updated to show the type of weaving in each picture and to include a rug picture. The order was for 2000 cards or whatever $200 would purchase.
The SVH booth at BFF is 10x10 near the entrance. People may sell items including equipment for sale.
The BFF was successful again this year (removed because festival has not happened yet!).
2024 Guild Challenge: ‘Baa-Ram-Ewe’ – Coordinator: Nancy Marucco.
- Make a sheep in any form – felted, woven, tapestry, crochet, knit, etc.
- Challenge projects must be completed and revealed at the guild meeting in June 2024
- It was suggested SVH rent a gallery to show the finished Challenge projects.
Hetzel Gallery Show: Carla is working with Beth or Becky at the gallery.
New Business: Research on a new banner for SVH booth as a backup banner. Also, looking into the costs for a table banner.
Today’s Program: Everyone participated in demonstrating various finishing techniques and hemstitching.
May’s Program: No meeting in May due to BFF.
June’s Program: Baa-Ram-Ewe Guild Challenge to be revealed and exhibited.
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects.
Next Meeting: June 15, 2024 @ 10:00 AM @ Birchwood Community Center.
Bring a current project to work on from 10-11:00 AM (R&M Yarns will be open 9 to 9:30 a.m. for shopping).
Birchwood Community Center
10 a.m.
Present: Phyllis Narus, Paula Copple, Wanda Kelley, Carla Boudrot, Sue MacDuff, Nancy Marco, Jane Collins, Christie Bowie, and Denita McCulley. New Members in attendance: Hayden Monfette and Megan Chisom
President, Carla Boudrot brought the meeting to order after an hour of personal projects work by attendees.
February Minutes and Treasurer’s Report stand as read.
Old Business: Summer Top from handwoven fabric. Phyllis is working with Karyn Stagg on a ½ day workshop for $50; then in June, a full day hands-on workshop for $100. SVH will be paying for this workshop. Phyllis made a motion to pay Karyn the amounts proposed; seconded; motion passed.
Sign-up sheet circulated to see what members plan on doing at the April 6th Hot Slaw Festival. Items may be sold, but the owner MUST be present. Hot Slaw festival, April 6, 2024, noon to 8pm; entry fee will come from BFF, not SVH; place a QR code to the SVH Blog displayed in the booth; we may sell items, but the owner MUST be present to do so; Hayden agreed to bring the tent; Phyllis to provide tent weights; set up at 10 am.
A questionnaire for signup times to volunteer in SVH’s booth at the BFF Festival was circulated among members in attendance.
The 2024 Guild Challenge: ‘Baa-Ram-Ewe’ – Coordinator: Nancy Marucco; make a sheep in any form (felted, woven, tapestry, crochet, knit, etc.); Challenge projects must be completed and revealed at the guild meeting in June 2024; it was suggested SVH rent a gallery to show the finished Challenge projects.
Hetzel Gallery show: Carla is working with Beth or Becky at the gallery; the gallery is seeking fiber artwork, not towels, etc.; there is a hanging fee; opening night is April 27, 2024, at 5 – 8 pm; Show runs 2-4 weeks; items to sell and/or display must be at the gallery a week before the event; the gallery takes 40% of all sales; the gallery charges a $20 table fee.
New Business:
Copies of an updated Member Roster were circulated among attendees to verify their contact information. Two new members, Hayden and Megan, were written in.
Today’s Program: Jane led the program on ‘Color’ for our March program. She handed out a questionnaire for everyone to fill out and return to her indicating problem yarns, favorite yarn, dark/light yarns. This was an informative and fun exercise in colors and how they interact with each other.
April’s Program: Video of hemstitch and commitments from members to present hemstitches and finishing techniques for our April Program. Each member is to bring their own sample to use for practicing.
Denita – Lattice Edge; Tawanda – Blanket Stitch; Phyllis – Simple Hemstitch; Nancy – Fringe; Steve – New Zealand Hemstitch; Paula – Square Stitch; Christie – Feather Stitch; Earl – Simple Knots; Jane – Philippian Stitch; Candy – Jane Stafford Stitch; Sue – Chaining; Wanda – Damask; Carla – Beaded Hemstitch
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects.
Next Meeting: April 20, 2024 @ 10:00 AM @ Birchwood Community Center. Bring a current project to work on from 10-11:00 AM (R&M Yarns will be open from 9-9:30am for shopping).
Denita McCulley, Secretary
Location: Birchwood Community Center
10:00 AM -12:00 PM
Present: Phyllis Narus, Jane Collins, Paula Copple, Earl Copple, Wanda Kelley, Carla Boudrot, Sue MacDuff, Nancy Marucco, Tawanda Privett, Steve Prentice, Christie Bowie, Candy Frederick, Vickie Ledford, and Denita McCulley
Carla Boudrot, President, brought the meeting to order after an hour of personal projects.
Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report stand as read.
Old Business:
- SVH participation in BFF in May: We have a 10’x10’ booth. We may sell items, but you MUST be present to do so.
- Phyllis and Paula design, content, for 2000 postcards for $188. They presented their sample card to the guild.
- The Hot Slaw festival, April 6, 2024, noon to 8PM, entry fee will come from BFF, not SVH. We may sell items, but you MUST be present to do so.
- The 2024 Guild Challenge ‘Baa-Ram-Ewe’ will be led by Nancy Marucco. Details under "Guild Challenge" tab.
- Hetzel Gallery show: At the time of this meeting, Phyllis was having difficulty getting in touch with the coordinators at the gallery. Therefore, Phyllis agreed to go to Grit and Grace to see what is going on with this event and how we might be able to participate.
Phyllis is researching workshop ideas on how to create our own patterns. The current proposal is for an instructor to teach us. We are currently looking at the June timeframe.
Jane will be leading the program on ‘Color’ for our March program. She handed out a questionnaire for everyone to fill out and return to her indicating problem yarns, favorite yarn, dark/light yarns.
Denita McCulley, Secretary
SVH Guild Meeting Minutes
DATE: January 20, 2024
LOCATION: R&M Yarns Studio
TIME: 10 a.m.
Call to order: Carla called the meeting to order at 11:00, after we had an hour to work on personal projects. There were no minutes from November or December to vote on.
Treasurer report: Our current balance is $3977.66. Dues of $20.00 are due today. If not paid today, please send dues to Wanda. Dues collected today: $240.00.
Old Business: Phyllis reported on the Crane Festival at Birchwood. She and Steve were there on Saturday; Steve and Ann attended on Sunday. They handed out info on BFF both days. There were more people on Saturday.
This led to a discussion of SVH getting postcards or business cards to hand out at events. Phyllis will research cost and report back at the next meeting.
New Business: SVH participation at BFF May 4&5. Discussion around SVH having a booth to sell and demonstrate. If anyone sells products, they should be there to help man the booth. Also brought up SVH participation at Hot Slaw in Cleveland on 4/6/24. There will also be a show 4/27/23 at the Woolen Mill in Cleveland, at Hetzel Studios. Beth Hetzel is the contact, 423-641-1308.
Guild challenge update. Nancy presented our guild challenge idea for the year, and it is called “Bah Ram Ewe”. We are challenged to make a fiber sheep, any way we want to. Details are on the blog.
New officers, Carla-Pres, Carla-VP, Denita-Secretary and Wanda-Treasurer were presented. Jane made a motion and Christie seconded to accept them. All voted in favor.
The meeting was adjourned. Show and Share (pictures on the blog).
Program: Brainstorming for program topics and presenters for the year. We actually did well in collaborating and coming up with topics.
Feb: Preview our favorite hemstitch
March: Jane will present a program called Color
April: Present our hemstitch and watch a video
May: No meeting due to BFF
June: Guild Challenge
July: Problems, Solutions, Goals
Aug: Nancy and Steve-rug knots
Sept: Paul-double weave
Oct: Twanda-Navajo inspired weaving
Nov: No meeting due to Pioneer days
Dec: Christmas party
(Minutes taken by Candy Frederick for Denita McCulley)
SVH Guild Meeting Minutes
October 21, 2023 @ Birchwood Community Center
- No news on Liz Spear workshop
- We have enough signed up to supply the upcoming pioneer days with weavers. The roster and more info upcoming.
- Steve asked for nominations or volunteers for officers next year. Carla agreed to be President and Wanda agreed to stay treasurer. We still need a vice president and secretary. If interested, please let Steve know. We also need someone for social media and workshop coordinator. Nancy agreed to do the Guild Challenge for 2024.
- Since our November meeting time falls on the Saturday of Pioneer days, the guild voted to not have a November meeting.
- The Guild Christmas party is scheduled for Dec 9 at Steve’s house and will be pot luck. More info coming.
- Steve will continue his quest for more info on an upcoming Liz Spear workshop.
- He did gather info on Pioneer days at Audubon Acres, November 14-18. They will have fiber related demonstrations each day from 9:30 to 1:00pm. Steve moved and Carla seconded the guild attending this event, in place of our November meeting. Volunteers are encouraged and will be a good opportunity to educate on weaving and our guild.
- Phyllis will order new business cards before this event.
- Elections are coming up in October. We will need all positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, with appointed positions of: Guild challenge, workshop and social media. If you would like to fill a position, please contact Steve.
- The Christmas party at Steve’s has been planned for Saturday, Dec 9 @ 12:00. It's a potluck.
- Denita will be at the Hamilton County Fair, McDonald Farm, and will conduct demos at an alpaca booth.
- Convergence is next year in Wichita, Kansas, July 11-17.
- Phyllis has end runs of Sugar and Cream 4 ply for sale at R&M, $5.00 a skein or $12.50 per bag of 3.
GUILD CHALLENGE: Carla went over the guild challenge “Paint it Black” and gave us a handout. (Please see the blog for handout). We will present our pieces at the June meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Carla.
PROGRAM: Failures and fixes, with member input. Examples collected and will be published on the blog.
Respectively submitted by Candy Frederick, Sec.
MINUTES: There were no previous minutes, as we had a Christmas party for the last gathering.
TREASURERS REPORT: Wanda gave the report. As of today, our balance is $3808.85, with $155.00 dues collected so far. Our proposed 2023 budget to be voted on is: $60 for PO Box, $60 hospitality, $52 HGA, $200 programs and $100 for Birchwood Center supplies, make a total of $472. A motion to accept was made by Carla, seconded by Phyllis and approved by vote, of members present.
OLD BUSINESS: Dues of $20 are due now, to be included in the member listing. Christie asked which way people preferred to get meeting reminders; email, text, etc. The majority wants email. Another way to get reminders is to “Like” our Facebook page. Also, minutes, meeting pictures, etc on our blog page.
NEW BUSINESS: Several members supported the guild by manning our booth at the Sandhill Crane Festival at Birchwood Center, the weekend of Jan 14 & 15. Several members demonstrated weaving, spinning or jewelry making while speaking with visitors and handing out info on our guild and the Birchwood Fiber Festival, coming up in May.
GUILD CHALLENGE REPORT: Carla is our Guild Challenge coordinator this year, gave us a brief look at what the guild challenge will be for this year. It is called “Paint it Black” and each of us can weave a piece with the color black and three analogous colors. She will have more info in the February meeting.
Our guild has an opportunity to participate in the Chattanooga Audubon Acres “Pioneer Days” in November. The event is asking for fiber people to demonstrate weaving, spinning, etc., starting on a Tuesday and ending on Saturday. After discussing, this topic will be tabled until a later date.
Program ideas for this year are needed and we also need a workshop coordinator. A few program suggestions were: advanced weaving, profile drafting, painted warp, tapestry weaving, etc. Workshop suggestions: weaving and sewing a pillow, painting/dyeing warp, etc. If you have any suggestions, please let any of the officers know.
Phyllis gave an update on the Birchwood Fiber Festival (BFF) to be held May 6-7, 2023. They need instructors for rigid heddle, crochet and knitting. They will also need volunteers. The cafeteria will sell food and parking will be taken care of by volunteers.
SHOW AND SHARE: Please see photos on the blog page. Carla moved to close the meeting; Sue seconded; motion carried.
PROGRAM: DVD on color theory. Very interesting and eye opening aspects of color variations.
Candy Frederick, Secretary
September 17, 2022 MINUTES
Scenic Valley Handweavers Guild
10 people in attendance, 9 members and 1 guest. Absent: President Steve Prentice and Secretary Candy Frederick.
Reading of the minutes for August was done, Motion to accept
made by Wanda, seconded by Paula and Sue. All accepted
Treasurers report: no change to the balance: we have 3703.85 in our account. A 50 dollar check is still outstanding from convergence. Wanda will reach out to the recipient.
Old/ New business:
A guest workshop leader is invited every other year. With usual long lead times, we need to be planning for and asking someone to come for 2023.
Our last one was Elaine Bradley.
Cathryn Weber is close by in North Carolina and was suggested, as well as Tommy Scanlon, an instructor in fiber arts at a nearby University.
Discussion of possibly partnering with the Chattahoochie guild, Knoxville guild or the Appalachian Guild in order to attract and pay for a highly qualified artist/ speaker was discussed.
We discussed the need to appoint a committee to get the ball rolling.
The need for BFF volunteers was discussed, the suggestion was made to reach out to the nearby guilds and see if they are able to help. 2-4 volunteer hours was suggested as optimal timeslots and Phyllis offered to circulate a sign-up sheet.
We still need to decide a program for October and November’s guild meeting. One suggestion was “ Yarn 101” discussing sizes and fiber content, when and why to use, and the outcome of using different materials.
Meeting was adjourned.
(there was no meeting in July due to Convergence in Knoxville)
August 20, 2022 @ 10 am @ The Birchwood Community Center
• Steve welcomed the group and visitors. He asked if everyone read the minutes from the last meeting and if so, if they were accepted. Sandi moved and Christie seconded to approved the minutes from the last meeting.
• Business arising from the last meeting:
1. Vote on proposed amendment 1 to by laws, related to the office of president and vice president
2. Vote on proposed amendment 2 to by laws, related to student guild rates.
Both proposed amendments were voted on and approved by the guild.
(See June 18, 2022 minutes about these proposed by law changes.)
• Treasurers report: Given by Phyllis. Beginning balance: $3,758.88; Misc $10; HGA annual dues $53; Supplies $12.03; ending balance $3,703.85
• Old Business: Carrie Convergence report. In their debriefing meeting, they were asked for what was good/bad and suggestions. Carrie stated that the exhibits were closed on the weekend, which was a negative. They also said Convergence needed better signage.
• Carrie stated there is a 7 Guilds Strong meeting planned for Jan 2023. She asked us to come up with ideas for the collective and also consider our elective positions in relation to the collective.
• The Guild Challenge board will be kept at R&M yarns and used at the Fiber festival next year.
• Denita had talked about a deal on fiber at the last meeting, but not sure if it will gel now. But she knows another person with sheep that may want to share fiber. If interested, contact Denita for more info.
• Phyllis stated that the All Books store in Chattanooga is closed due to the owner passing away. The children are liquidating the store and said that our guild as a group could shop on Tuesday, Aug 23rd at 3:30pm.
• New Business: The Birchwood Fiber Festival is May 6 & 7, 2023 at the Birchwood Community Center. The board meets once a month. The Guild made a monetary “seed” donation to the festival. Volunteers are going to be needed, but will be announced later. If you would like to teach a class, please register by Oct 1, 2022. The deadline to register to be a vendor is Feb 1, 2023. The booths are ½ price. The Facebook page is up and running.
• Two reminders: Officer elections are in October and looking for a volunteer(s) to host the Christmas party this year.
• Show and Share – see pictures on the blog.
• Program: Convergence experiences. What you saw, bought, classes you took, etc. Pictures were provided also.
• The meeting was adjourned and the next meeting will be Sept 17, 2022 @10:00 AM at the Birchwood Community Center.
DATE: June 18, 2022
LOCATION: Birchwood Community Center
TIME 10:00 AM
• Welcome to all guild members and guests. We have 3 visitors today, although one is a past member that is returning.
• Steve called the meeting to order and asked if everyone had read the previous minutes that were posted on the blog. Most heads nodded and Steve asked for a motion to accept the previous meeting minutes. Sandi moved to approve, with Carrie seconding.
• Matters arising from the previous minutes:
With the resignation of the President and Vice President at the last meeting, the board met after that meeting and appointed Steve as President and Christie as Vice President.
• The officers and board is as follows:
Steve – President, Social Media, Workshops Chair; Christie – Vice President; Candy – Secretary; Wanda – Treasurer; Phyllis – Out going President
• 2022 Appointed positions:
Carla – Guild Challenge chair; Carrie – 2022 Convergence exhibit chair
• Steve also proposed a revision to the by laws, pertaining to a married couple or partners not holding the office of President and Vice President together, as it relates to office succession. If the President could not fulfill his/her commitment to hold office, it then falls to the Vice President to take over. A proposal will be written and voted on at the August meeting.
• Treasurer report: Balance $3758.88, as of today.
• Old Business:
Carrie stated that the cost of our space at Convergence was split between 7 local guilds and our part was $48.00. Earl moved that we pay $50.00 and Christie seconded. Wanda will send the money. The opening reception is Friday July 1st. Parking is free after 6pm. Our exhibit is called “Seven Guilds Strong”. This also gives us an opportunity to combine with other guilds to get bigger name weavers for programs and promoting other guilds. More ideas after Convergence.
• New Business:
Phyllis asked about amending the by laws to give student discounts on memberships, a good way to draw younger people. This by law revision will be voted on at the August meeting.
• Denita spoke about a fiber opportunity with someone that has Alpaca’s and baby doll sheep, whereas our guild could spin the wool and give some spun fiber back to the owner. More info upcoming.
• Show and Share: Pictures on the blog.
• Program:
Introduction to woven fabric project construction, with a workshop on Oct 1, 2022, to make your own tote bag. Objective of the workshop is to learn techniques and tips for sewing and constructing items from handwoven fabric.
• The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon. There will be no July meeting, due to Convergence. The next scheduled meeting is August 20th, at 10:00 AM and shopping at R&M Yarn, 9:00-9:30 AM.
DATE: May 21, 2022
LOCATION: Birchwood Community Center
TIME: 10:00 AM
Welcome to all guild members and guests. We had one guest and potential new
member: Kate Garren. Welcome, Kate!
Treasurer report: No report this meeting, as Wanda not present. As of the last
meeting, our balance was $3758.88.
Old Business:
Convergence report from Carrie.
Carrie needs info on piece being displayed, attached to back of the piece, with
guild name, your name, price, cite source of project, monetary value, etc. Jane
offered to bring some twill tape, to help with this. Carrie will pick up the
display items at next months (June) meeting. The towel display will showcase
10 towels from guild members. The monetary value will be assessed at $300.
Carla is putting the guild challenge display together for Convergence. The
pieces will be mounted on a 30x40 canvas.
New Business:
Wally and Marie, our current president and vice president, announced that they
are resigning as of today’s meeting, citing the rising fuel and food costs
affecting their travel to the meetings. The board will meet after the guild
meeting today and appoint a new president and vice president for the remainder
of the year.
Phyllis stated that HGA is asking for volunteers to help out at Convergence, in
exchange for free entry to the event, July 14-18.
Phyllis announced that the old Riverbend Fiber Arts guild in Chattanooga, has
been renamed to Chattanooga Fiber Arts Guild and is looking for someone to
teach beginner rigid heddle weaving. It’s a paying job and if interested, contact:
Linda Walters,
Show and Share: Please see blog page for photos.
Finishing Techniques, organized/presented by Phyllis and co-presented by
Steve, Carla and Jane. Phyllis – Hem stitching; Carla – Magic fringe; Steve – Twining; Jane – yarn twisting
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00, followed by a brief board meeting, consisting of myself and Phyllis, the only board members in attendance, to appoint a new president and vice president. Steve was appointed President and Christie Bowie was appointed Vice President. Thank you to both for
volunteering for these positions.
The next meeting is June 18, 2022 at 10:00 AM at Birchwood Community Center, with shopping at R&M yarns, 9:00-9:30 AM.
Respectively submitted by Candy Frederick, Secretary
April 23, 2022 @ 10 am
Welcome to all guild members and guests.
Treasurer report: Wanda stated that our beginning balance was $4038.88 and with the addition of dues and deduction of $300 for the fiber festival, our balance is currently $3758.88
Old Business:
Phyllis asked that last months minutes be amended to reflect who made a motion to approve and second the $300 given by the club to the fiber festival, coming next year.
New Business:
Steve gave a report on the “Hot Slaw and Art Festival” that the guild had a booth at on April 9, 2022. He stated that the weather was cold and rainy, but he felt there was public interest and they even had some sales. The booth participants handed out cards and showed examples of weaving. He recommended the guild have another booth next year.
Jane stated that she pretended to be new to town and tried to search for info on weaving groups/guilds. She stated that she ran across an old website with out of date info. Currently the guild has a blog spot and Facebook page that is kept up to date.
Show and Share: Some guild members brought
their items to show/share. Photos are on the blog page.
Program: Guild challenge
Guild members were asked to present their small, woven interpretation of a Wassily Kandinsky painting. Each person spoke about their piece, how they wove it and how they were inspired by the painting. Everyone’s piece was different and the creativity was amazing. There were 18 in all. Carla collected pieces to display at our guild space at Convergence in July.
Phyllis is getting new yarn next week: colored slub cotton and a new 3 ply cotton. She will let us know when they are available for purchase.
The May meeting is May 21st. Marie stated that Phyllis will organize our program called “Finishing Techniques”.
Other presenters are: Jane-knots,twister; Steve-twining; Carla-magic fringe
Convergence items are due at the June meeting.
With no further items to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30.
Submitted by Candy Frederick, Secretary
March 19, 2022 @ 10 am
WELCOME to all guild members, guests and new members. Welcome Karen, guest of Sally.
The minutes were read from the February meeting, with an addendum stating that the Hints and Tips from the last meeting has it’s own tab. Steve asked for a correction to the minutes to state that the April meeting change from the 16th to the 23rd, was due to the former date being on Easter Weekend. A motion was made from Steve to accept the minutes and seconded by Carrie.
Wanda gave the treasurer’s report. Our current balance is $4084.88
The guild challenge is due at the April meeting.
Carrie gave a Convergence update. The conference wants one item per person and everything to hung, using a dowel system. They are requesting current projects be submitted. We can also have a kitchen towel display with 15 towels. Carrie will send a sign up sheet around, so we can submit what we want to show. She will need everyone’s entries at the June meeting and she will return them at the August meeting, unless they sell. Piece info should be on a tag. Carrie will not be at the next 2 meetings. She and Phyllis has completed the guild history.
New Business cards were discussed. We will need some for Convergence, Hot Slaw and upcoming events.
Steve stated that our guild is accepted to the Hot Slaw and Art festival in Cleveland, TN April 9. We will need a tent, tables, chairs, and portable looms. Phyllis has a canopy and sign. They want participants to arrive between 9:30 and 10:00, set up by 11 and opens at 12:00. They ask that no one breaks down their booth until 7pm.
A letter written by Phyllis, as a board member of the new Birchwood Fiber Festival (B.F.F), was read to the guild. The festival will be next year and the 8 member board is asking the guild for support. Since SVH pays for a P.O. Box every year, it was suggested to use this for the B.F.F. mail, with a motion to approve by Marie and seconded by Wanda . The guild also moved to give the festival $300. Carla made the motion and Nancy seconded.
SHOW AND SHARE: Photos are on the blog site.
PROGRAM: “What if-All about Sett”, by Marie. Marie provided hand outs and examples.
She also stated that she needed programs for May and June. Anyone interested, please contact Marie.
Our program for the April meeting is everyone’s guild challenge.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00.
DATE: February 19,2022
LOCATION: Birchwood Community Center
TIME: 10:00am
WELCOME to all guild members, guests and new members.
The minutes from the January meeting were read by Candy and approved by Marie and TaWanda.
Wanda gave the Treasurers report:
Starting balance: |
$4150.88 |
Add new dues: |
+ 20.00 |
Paid HGA dues: |
- 52.00 |
Workshop fees: |
-974.76 |
Balance: |
$ 3144.12 |
Carrie had a zoom meeting to discuss Convergence and an exhibit overview.
7/1/22, first Friday, 5-9pm, is an art walk and opening reception.
Planning: Our theme, diversity in weaving. There are limitations in what we can show, but don't know how limited yet.
A meeting is scheduled on 3/8/22 to discuss limitations and as far as we know, the show wants us to use mostly wall displays. There will be mannequins and pedestals also.
Carrie and Phyllis are working on a history of our guild.
Steve saw a festival advertised in Cleveland, Tennessee; Hot Slaw and Art? (sp). It's scheduled for 4/9/22, from llam to 7pm. Admission is free for vendors and could be a good opportunity to promote the guild. Discussion ensued regarding guild participation, how to advertise, what to show, etc. and guild agreed to attend this festival.
The above mentioned festival is scheduled on our normal meeting day. A motion was made to move our meeting to the next Saturday, April 23. The motion was seconded by Carrie.
SHOW AND SHARE: Steve took pictures of what was shared. Please see the blog and our Facebook page for pictures.
PROGRAM: Hints and Tips. Guild members were asked to share weaving Hints and Tips. This was a very good program, with new and experienced weavers alike learning something new! A collected list is attached.
10:00am Saturday March 19, 2022 at the Birchwood Community Center, with shopping beforehand at R&M Yarns, 9-9:30am.
With no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 12:00. The program for next month is TBD.
Submitted by Candy Frederick, Secretary
DATE: January 22, 2022
LOCATION: Birchwood Community Center
TIME: 10:00am
WELCOME to all guild members, guests and new members.
OLD BUSINESS: There was no regular meeting in December, as the guild had their Holiday party and luncheon at Steve's home.
2022 New officers are: Wally, President Marie, Vice President
Wanda, Treasurer Candy, Secretary Appointed Positions:
Steve, Social Media & Workshops chair
Carla, Guild Challenge chair
Carrie, 2022 Convergence Guild exhibit chair
20 22 Dues ($20) are due for new members if not paid
Wanda passed around the new member roster for members to review and make corrections. She will then update and send to everyone. We did have a new member today. Welcome Dawn!
Wanda gave the year end summary with $4150.00 in our bank account
The guild voted to accept the proposed budget, with Carla and Steve making the
1st and 2nd motions respectively and all accepted.
The 2022 budget is: Post Ofc box $42
Hospitality $60
HGA membership $52
Program expenses $200
Total $354
Supplies for the use of the Birchwood Community meeting room will come out of the hospitality budget.
SHOW & SHARE (Please limit to 3 min each)
Steve took pictures of the hand woven items shown and will post on the new Facebook page and blog.
Jane requested input on a double weave project she is working on.
Steve is working on our new Facebook page. It will be a private group with details coming soon. He provided us with a list of possible program and workshop ideas. (see attached). Also possible ideas: chair seat weaving and closer to the holidays, everyone weave a piece of holiday themed material and we piece them all together. If anyone has any ideas, please let Steve know. There will be no 2 day workshop this year, due to Convergence.
Carla stated that our guild challenge is due at the April meeting this year.
Everyone is asked to weave a postcard or small work sized piece inspired from a work of art by Wassily Kandinsky, an abstract Russian artist. You can get ideas from the American Tapestry Alliance and click on the blog spot for a link to the artist.
Carrie stated there is a Zoom meeting for Convergence in February, that she will be on and invited other guild members to attend. There will be 7 guilds from Tennessee involved in Convergence. The time line for the show and submitting our work is: 6/27/22 — artists drop off work, 6/28-30, put our booth together, and the show opens on 7/1/22. Everything should be picked up by 8/1/22.
Discussion followed about what we want our guild to show. Suggestions were, guild challenge projects, show the various kinds of weaving we do and any outreach projects we've done in the past.
Marie spoke with our Birchwood Community center contact, Linda, and Linda stated that there is interest in the community on weaving. Having an open house at the center to showcase different weaving styles, might be a good community outreach project.
Phyllis suggested that the community center might be a good place to host a Fiber Art Festival, as it being indoors, we wouldn't have to worry about the weather.
DVD on Rug weaving by Tom Knisely. We saw about half the video, but it went into types of weaving yarn, supplies needed and types of looms. Very informative. NEXT MEETING
10:00am Saturday Feb 19, 2022 at the Birchwood Community Center and shopping before hand, 9:00-9:30 at R&M Yarns.
With no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 12:00. The program for next month is TBD.
Submitted by Candy Frederick, Secretary
Officers agreed no changes to minutes. 2/4/22
MINUTES—November 20, 2021
Present October: Phyllis Narus, Marie and Wally Whitman, Jane Collins, Paula and Earl Copple, Wanda Kelley, Carla Boudrot, Sue MacDuff, Nancy Marucco, Steve Prentice, Denita McCulley, Christie Bowie, Candy Frederick, and Sally Brock (Guest)
· Phyllis, President, brought the meeting to order and welcomed new members and guests.
· Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report stand as read.
· 2022 Annual Dues were due at the October Guild meeting. Please give any outstanding membership dues to Wanda, Treasurer, before January meeting so the roster may be updated.
· Submit ideas to Steve for workshop planning. Workshops will be scheduled and held on opposite years of Convergence.
· Carrie is continuing to coordinate items for our guild booth at Convergence 2022. Please submit pictures, history, info, etc. to Carrie before January 2022.
· Guild Challenge 2022 was revealed by Carla. Small Scale weaving. Refer to the instructions posted on the SVH website. Ideas can be seen on the American Tapestry Allience
· A suggestion was made to create a list of local 2022 fiber festivals to post on SVH website.
Program: Carla presented a demonstration of how to add beading to your projects as you weave.
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects
Events: The annual guild Christmas party was a huge success! Thank you, Steve and Ann for a wonderful and gracious get together!
Phyllis and Candee plan to have a booth at the Dickson, TN fiber festival in May 2022.
Next Meeting: January 15, 2022 (location changed at January board meeting)--Birchwood Community Center, 5623 TN-60, Birchwood, TN beginning at 10 a.m.
Denita McCulley, Secretary
MINUTES—October 16, 2021
Present October: Phyllis Narus, Marie and Wally Whitman, Jane Collins, Paula Copple, Cathy Whitbeck, Wanda Kelley, Carla Boudrot, Sue MacDuff, Nancy Marucco, Tawanda Privett, Steve Prentice, Cathy Bradley, Bobby and Denita McCulley, Christie Bowie, Carrie Francis, Candy Frederick, and Jodie Brunni (Guest)
⦁ Phyllis Narus, President, brought the meeting to order and welcomed new members and guests.
⦁ Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report stand as read.
⦁ Discussion about SVH Booth at Convergence 2022; Anyone who would like to contribute items for display in the booth needs to coordinate with Carrie Francis. Additionally, contact Carrie with any suggestions for communications around Convergence, i.e., roommates, carpooling, etc.
⦁ 2022 Annual Dues were due at the October Guild meeting. Please give any outstanding membership dues to Wanda Kelly, Treasurer.
⦁ 2022 Officer candidate nominations were as follows:
President – Wally Whitman
Vice President – Marie Whitman
Treasurer – Wanda Kelly
Secretary – Candy Frederick
2022 Guild Challenge Chair – Carla Boudrot
Social Media Chair – Steve Prentice
2023 Workshop Committee Chair – Steve Prentice
⦁ Remaining 2021 Guild Meeting topics:
⦁ November – Leno and beads in the Weft by Carla Boudrot.
⦁ December - Our Christmas Party will be Saturday, December 4, 2021, 12:00 PM at Steve Prentice’s Studio in Old Fort, TN. Please bring finger foods, snacks, or a covered dish to share. There will be contests, prizes, etc.!
Directions to come.
Program: The tablet/card weaving demonstration by Steve was quite thorough and interesting!
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects
Next Meeting: November 20, 2021 @ 10:00 AM @ R&M Yarns Fiber Studio (9:30AM for social and shopping time).
Denita McCulley, Secretary
MINUTES—September 18, 2021
Present September: Phyllis Narus, Marie and Wally Whitman, Jane Collins, Paula Copple, Earl Copple, Wanda Kelley, Carla Boudrot, Sue MacDuff, Nancy Marucco, Tawanda Privett, Steve Prentice, Cathy Bradley, Wilma Chambers, and Denita McCulley
⦁ Phyllis Narus, President, brought the meeting to order and welcomed new members.
⦁ Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report stand as read.
⦁ Convergence Registration 2022 registration opens October 4 –
⦁ Election of officers for 2022 will be officially conducted at the October meeting. Please let Phyllis know if you are interested in a position and/or if you wish to nominate members for a position.
⦁ Carla agreed to be the Chairperson for the Guild Challenge 2022.
⦁ Wanda agreed to continue her position as Treasurer, unless someone else is interested.
⦁ A social media directory was requested and an officer position was added for media coordination.
⦁ Membership dues are payable at the October 2021 Guild Meeting. Wanda will be collecting the Dues.
⦁ Wanda to update and provide a new updated member roster with email addresses and phone numbers.
⦁ Remaining 2021 Guild Meeting topics:
⦁ November – Leno and beads in the Weft by Carla Boudrot.
⦁ December - Our Christmas Party will be Saturday, December 4, 2021, 12:00 PM at Steve Prentice’s Studio. Please bring finger foods, snacks, or a covered dish to share. Steve will be providing a map and directions prior to this event.
Participating members revealed their creations for the Guild Reveal and Exhibition.
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects
Next Meeting: October 16, 2021 @ 10:00 AM @ R&M Yarns Fiber Studio (9:30AM for social and shopping time).
MINUTES—August, 2021
Present May: Phyllis Narus, Marie and Wally Whitman, Paula Copple, Christi Bowie, Wanda Kelley, Candy Frederick, Carla Boudrot, Nancy Marucco, Cathy Bradley, Tawanda Privett, and Denita McCulley
Phyllis Narus, President, called the meeting to order at 10:00am at the R&M Yarns Studio in George-town, TN.
Minutes: Stands as read; Treasurer’s Report: Stands as read.
· The Beginner Basket classes will be September 7 and 21 at the Birchwood Community Center from 9:30am to 4pm.
--Guild Challenge – Reveal and exhibit will be in September. Please contact Jane Collins for details and/or questions. It was confirmed that in the guild meeting minutes of January 16 and May 15, 2021 no prizes nor a contest for this challenge.
--Officer nominations are in process. Positions are for 1 year terms. Officer elections will take place at the October guild meeting. A new officer position was proposed for a Workshop Committee Chairperson.
There is no limit to the number of nominations for each position! Therefore, if you wish to nominate someone or yourself for any of the officer positions, please submit your nominations to Wanda Kelly no later than September 30,2021
Reminders: If anyone would like to take a spinning class, please contact Jane Collins.
--The Holiday Market will be at the Collegedale Commons on December 10 and 11, 2021; please mark your calendars.
--Remaining 2021 Guild Meeting topics:
- September – Guild Meeting Challenge “The texture and color of nature” reveal.
- October – Tablet Weaving by Steve Prentice.
- November – Leno and beads in the Weft by Carla Boudrot.
- December - Our Christmas Party will be Saturday, December 4, 2021, 12:00 PM at Steve Prentice’s Studio. Please bring finger foods, snacks, or a covered dish to share. Steve will be providing a map and directions prior to this event.
The Vest Informal Fashion Show! It was a beautiful success for those who participated as well as those who refrained, but who also received inspiration to try it, too!
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects.
Next Meeting: September 18, 2021 @ 10:00 AM @ R&M Yarns Fiber Studio
Denita McCulley, Secretary
MINUTES--JULY 17, 2021
Present: Phyllis Narus, Marie and Wally Whitman, Paula Copple, Earl Copple, Carla Boudrot, Carrie Francis, Nancy Marucco, Steve Prentice, Tawanda Privett, and Denita McCulley
· Several members are headed to the Michigan Fiber Arts Festival in August. Thus, the members agreed to have the August guild meeting on August 14, 2021 at R&M Yarns Fiber Studio.
· The Beginner Basket classes will be September 17 and 21 at the Birchwood Community Center.
- Guild Challenge – Reveal and exhibit will be in September. Please contact Jane Collins for details and/or questions.
· If anyone wants a spinning class, please contact Jane Collins.
· The Holiday Market will be at the Collegedale Commons on December 10 and 11, 2021; please mark your calendars.
The vest project is continuing. Woven fabric should be completed as of June meeting. Discussion and project advice was shared among the attending members.
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects and fiber finds.
Next Meeting: August 14, 2021 @ 10:00 AM @ R&M Yarns Fiber Studio (9:30AM for social and shopping time).
Upcoming Events:
-- August – Vest Project reveal
-- September – Guild Meeting Challenge “The texture and color of nature” reveal.
-- October – Tablet Weaving by Steve Prentice.
-- November – Leno and beads in the Weft by Carla Boudrot.
-- December - Our Christmas Party will be Saturday, December 4, 2021, 12:00 PM at Steve Prentice’s Studio. Please bring finger foods, snacks, or a covered dish to share. Steve will be providing a map and directions prior to this event.
Denita McCulley, Secretary
MINUTES--June 19, 2021
Present: Marie and Wally Whitman, Jane Collins, Paula Copple, Earl Copple, Wanda Kelley, Carla Boudrot, Carrie Francis, and Sandi Suggs.
Mari Whitman welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at the R&M Yarns Fiber Studio in Georgetown, TN.
Our guild was contacted by a volunteer with HGA Convergence 2022 in Knoxville to solicit our guild’s participation in an off-site weaving display. Marie Whitman asked for votes and it was decided that our guild would be participation in this event. Details TBD.
MINUTES—May 15, 2021
Present: Phyllis Narus, Marie and Wally Whitman, Jane Collins, Paula Copple, Earl Copple, Wanda Kelley, Carla Boudrot, Carrie Francis, Sue MacDuff, Nancy Marucco, Sandi Suggs, and Denita McCulley
Funds paid for the Beginning Basket Weaving Workshops includes a $5 usage fee for the Community Center.
Our new Guild Member Earl Copple brought a few of his hand made wooden shuttles. They may be custom ordered by going to
MINUTES—April 10, 2021
Present: Phyllis Narus, Marie and Wally Whitman, Nancy Marucco, Wanda Kelley, Carla Boudrot, Denita McCulley, Candy Frederick (New Member), and Brian Gallager (vistor).
Phyllis Narus welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at the R&M Yarns Fiber Studio in Georgetown, TN. Last month’s minutes and treasury report were presented and stand as read.
--The 2021 Farm to Fiber event at the Collegedale Market was cancelled.
--The Beginning Basket Weaving Workshops are scheduled for Tuesday, September 7th and Tuesday, September 21, 2021. Only 10 people will be able to attend each session. Phyllis is working on getting the details for signing up for these classes, including pricing, deadline to signup, and reserving the venue at the Community Center. There will be a nonrefundable registration fee upon signup.
--Guild Challenge – Tentative due date is now September 18, 2021.
--Discussion around the upcoming 3-meeting ‘Vest’ project determined that we would begin at the June, 2021 meeting.
Program: Candy Frederick and Denita McCulley presented the weaving technique of twining. For those interested in trying this technique, there is a very good book on the subject (as well as Facebook and YouTube videos on the subject. The book is titled, ‘Twined Rag Rugs’, by Bobbie Irwin.
Phyllis Narus shared information about some used looms available for sale.
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects.
Next Meeting: May 15, 2021@ 10:00 AM @ R&M Yarns Fiber Studio (9:30AM for social and shopping time).
Denita McCulley, Secretary
MINUTES--March 13, 2021
Present: Marie and Wally Whitman, Nancy Marucco, Wanda Kelley, Carla Boudrot, and Denita McCulley
Phyllis welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at the R&M Yarns Fiber Studio in Georgetown, TN.
Last month’s minutes and treasury report were presented. Marie made a motion to pass the reports as read while Wally 2nd the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by the attending members.
At this meeting, the use of Zoom was piloted for the first time. The service is free but only for 30 minutes. The attending members discussed whether to continue to use Zoom and pay the usage fee per month or research other platforms that might be free or to continue to use Zoom and pay the fee as needed. Carla made a motion to use Zoom for the April meeting, pay the $14.99 fee for the month as well as for Wanda and Denita to do the research. Wally 2nd the motion and the motion was passed unanimously.
Subsequently, Carry Francis and Sue MacDuff joined us on Zoom for the presentation, but were, unfortunately, disconnected when the free 30 minute meeting expired.
--The 2021 Farm to Fiber event at the Collegedale Market is “tentatively” scheduled for Sunday, May 16th. We are still waiting for this date to be finalized. Members may bring whatever they are working on or any type loom and weaving tools they would like to demo at the event. If selling any goods,10% will be taken from sales and given to the venue at the completion of the event. Other fiber related techniques such as knitting, crochet, felting, dyeing, etc. may also be offered….sales or demos.
--The Beginning Basket Weaving Workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, September 14, 2021 (tentatively). Details to follow at a later date. Phyllis is working with the instructor to determine if there is a maximum number of participants that may participate.
--SMFAF in Townsend has officially been cancelled for the 2021.
--Guild Challenge will have a new due date; possibly in June. TBD.
--Nancy has some raw Alpaca fiber free to anyone who spins! Please contact her if you are a spinner and interested in it.
--Phyllis shared an email from Kromski about Facebook weave-alongs. Carla is participating and showed samples of finished pieces.
Program: Kelly Casanova video presentation on Yarn Types presented by Wanda & Denita
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects.
Next Meeting: NOTE DATE CHANGE—April 10th @ 10:00 AM @ R&M Yarns Fiber Studio (9:30 am for social and shopping time).
MINUTES-February 20, 2021
Present: Marie and Wally Whitman, Nancy Marucco, Wanda Kelley, and Denita McCulley
Marie Whitman welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at the R&M Yarns Fiber Studio in Georgetown, TN. Last month’s minutes and treasury report were presented. Wally Whitman made a motion to pass the reports while Wanda and Nancy made second motions. The motion was passed unanimously by the attending members.
· The updated membership roster was provided by Wanda. A write-in was added at the meeting for Steve Prentice.
· The 2021 Farm to Fiber event at the Collegedale Market is “tentatively” scheduled for Sunday, May 16th.
· The Beginning Basket Weaving Workshop is scheduled for a Tuesday in September. Details to follow at a later date.
· SMFAF in Townsend has officially been cancelled for the entire 2021 year.
Program: Wally led the attending members in the art of “Rock Weaving”
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects.
Next Meeting: Saturday, March 20th @ 10:00 AM @ R&M Yarns Fiber Studio (9:30AM for social and shopping time)
Denita McCulley, Secretary
Minutes--November 21, 2020
Present: Phyllis Narus, Marie and Wally Whitman, Carla Boudrot, Sandi Suggs, Candy Frederick
Phyllis welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at the R&M Yarns Fiber Studio in Georgetown, TN. Last month’s minutes were summarized. The treasurer was absent so no report was given. Dues for 2021 were received from Sandi.
Program: Various Warping Techniques—presented by members (lots of great tips presented)
· Phyllis announced the 2021 officers as well as reminded everyone their dues are payable BEFORE the January meeting; please mail to Wanda Kelley, Treasurer.
· Phyllis would like to have an officers’ meeting in January to discuss the 2021 programs.
· The “Farm to Fiber Day” at the Commons in Ooltewah is still on hold until they plan their 2021 calendar.
· The Holiday/Christmas Party was discussed. It will be held at Phyllis’ home on Monday, December 14th beginning at 1 p.m. Everyone is to bring a “handmade by them” gift with a $10 to $15 retail value as well as a food item to share.
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects. Denita, Secretary
October 17, 2020
Present: 6 Members - Phyllis Narus, Marie and Wally Whitman, Carla Boudrot, Denita McCulley and Liana Thompson.
Phyllis called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at R&M Yarns in Georgetown, TN.
Minutes & Treasurer’s Report: The minutes were accepted as shown on the SVH Blog. The Treasurer’s Report had no change since last month.
· The prize for the “Helter Skelter” competition from last month was won by the Wally Whitman Team.
· The “Farm to Fiber Day” at the Commons in Collegedale is not scheduled for next year yet. They said to check back for a date maybe in May.
· Officer candidates for 2021 were presented by nominating chair, Marie Whitman: Phyllis, President; Marie, Vice President; Wanda, Treasurer; Denita, Secretary. There were no nominations from the floor so a motion was made to accept these candidates by Carla, seconded by Wally; motion passed. New officers for 2021 will begin serving January 1, 2021.
· Dues for 2021 are due in October. If you haven’t paid your dues by the January meeting, you will be deleted from the Membership Role.
· Nov. 21 Program will be on Warping Techniques. Limit presentations to 20-25 minutes. Marie – Table Loom; Carla – Rigid Heddle; Phyllis, Wanda & Denita – Floor Looms.
· The Townsend Guild has some looms and supplies for sale. If interested, contact Phyllis for details.
Program: Wally showed how to do “Twig” weaving. He had supplies and each person wove a sample.
Upcoming Events:
· December 14th @ 1 pm (Monday): Party and Gift Exchange at Phyllis’ home; handmade item with no more than $10-$15 retail value.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda Kelley, Secretary
September 19, 2020
Present: 1 Guest: Lianne and 6 Members - Phyllis Narus, Jane Collins, Marie and Wally Whitman, Carla Boudrot, and Denita McCulley.
Phyllis called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at R&M Yarns in Georgetown, TN.
Minutes & Treasurer’s Report: The minutes were accepted as shown on the SVH Blog. The Treasurer’s Report had no change since last month.
The Farm to Fiber Day at the Commons in Ooltewah wants to reschedule from April 18 to April 25. There will be a 10% commission charged on anything you sell personally. We are going to ask River Bend Guild to join us as well as the knitting group from Lee University.
Officers for 2021 will be as follows: Wanda Kelley will stay as Treasurer; Phyllis will remain as President; Vice President also includes Projects/Programs. Marie will present these at the next meeting.
Dues for 2021 are due in October. If you haven’t paid your dues by January, you will be deleted from the Guild.
Jane showed us some things for our challenge; both functional and 3-dimensional. Each person took an item and discussed what could be done with it; color-wise and texture. We are extending the challenge till May or June.
Show and Share: Jane showed samples from unwashed – washed- dryed in dryer. She also showed a shawl she wove and is debating on how to hem it.
Marie showed some towels they wove.
Danita shared towels and a light weight blanket in waffle check and a table runner.
Lianne shared a scarf and towel she made.
Program: Carla did a program on Helter Skelter. We broke into two groups.
Team 1: Phyllis, Jane, Carla
Team 2: Wally, Marie, Danita
Everyone brought in things; material, thread, a bunch of mis-matched items to use.
We had 45 minutes to complete our projects. We will have judges to judge them to see who won the contest.
Future Programs:
October Twig Weaving by Wally Whitman
November Warping Techniques by Various Members
December Party and Guild Challenge Reveal
Respectfully submitted,
Marie for Wanda Kelley, Secretary
SVH Minutes
August 15, 2020
Present: 6 Members - Phyllis Narus, Wanda Kelley, Marie and Wally Whitman, Carla Boudrot, Nancy Marucco
Phyllis called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at R&M Yarns in Georgetown, TN.
Minutes & Treasurer’s Report: The minutes were read and accepted. The Treasurer’s Report was presented.
· Phyllis submitted 4 items to be included at the Chattahoochee Handweaver’s Guild “Creative Confinement -Fiber Show” online.
· The Farm to Fiber Day at the Commons in Ooltewah on September 20 is postponed. The turnout at the Commons has been low since Covid-19 and they suggested we wait until April or May next year for our first showing. After discussion, it was decided to try to schedule in April 2021. This was decided after verifying that the Smokey Mountain Fiber Festival is cancelled for 2021 due to Covid uncertainties.
· The Nominating Committee for 2021 will be chaired by Marie Whitman for next year. Nominations will be voted on in the October meeting.
Program: 3-Color Clasped Weft by Carla and Marie. They used their rigid heddle looms to demonstrate and then those present experimented with the process. Carla then showed how to use 4-colors in a similar method.
Show & Share: Nancy and Phyllis shared their most recent weaving projects; photos will be on the blogspot.
Next Meeting: September 18 at 10:00 a.m. Program will be “Helter Skelter Weaving” presented by Carla. She requests that members bring “strange” yarns to be used in this weaving project.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda Kelley, Secretary
Present: 8 Members - Phyllis Narus, Jane Collins, Wanda Kelley, Sue MacDuff, Marie and Wally Whitman, Carla Boudrot, Nancy Marucco
Phyllis called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at R&M Yarns in Georgetown, TN.
Minutes & Treasurer’s Report: The minutes were read; no corrections were announced. The Treasurer’s Report was presented.
Program: Hemming Handwovens and “Parallel Threading” Review was presented by Phyllis Narus. We discussed variations on hemming methods.
- Phyllis submitted 4 items to be included at the Chattahoochee Handweaver’s Guild “Creative Confinement -Fiber Show online
- The Farm to Fiber Day at the Commons in Ooltewah on September 20 is still planned. There is no charge for a booth. This includes demo and/or selling of items. Any items sold will pay a 10% commission on sales. Each person will collect their own payments for on their own sale items.
- Jane presented a reminder about the 2020 Weaver’s Challenge, “The Textures and Colors of Nature”. A copy of the handout will be placed on the blogspot. The completed projects will be presented at the December meeting.
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects; photos will be on the blogspot.
Next Meeting: August 15 at 10:0 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda Kelley, Secretary
February 15, 2020
Present: 11 Members - Phyllis Narus, Carrie Francis, Sue McDuff, Carla Boudrot, Nancy Marucco, Jane Collins, Wanda Kelley, Chris Bindrim, Marie and Wally Whitman, Tawanda Privett, Kim Gavin.
Phyllis called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. at R&M Yarns in Georgetown, TN. Minutes & Treasurer’s Report: The minutes were not read because they were posted on the blogspot for members to review. No corrections were announced. The Treasurer’s Report was presented.
Program: Wanda Kelley presented a program on Ergonimics in Weaving. She showed videos that reviewed things to make the aspects of warping, threading, seating, and weaving easier on the body and more comfortable so we can weave for longer periods of time. Members shared insights they have on these ideas.
New Business:
• A printed copy of the 2020 Membership Roster was distributed. Any corrections or additions can be sent to Phyllis for inclusion in an updated listing.
• Phyllis pointed out that the 2020 calendar and events Tab have been updated.
• The Bi-Laws with some minor changes were posted on the blog for members to review. A motion to accept the updated By-Laws was made by Marie, seconded by Jane. The motion passed.
• Jane presented the 2020 Weaver’s Challenge, “The Textures and Colors of Nature”. A handout was provided with details on the challenge. A copy of the handout will be placed on the blogspot. The completed projects will be presented at the December meeting.
• Carla gave an update on programs during the remainder of the year. A program entitled “Helter Skelter” is added for the June meeting.
• The Guild will participate in a Farm to Fiber Day at the Commons in Ooltewah on September 20. There is no charge for a booth. Any items sold will pay a 10% commission on sales.
• Carrie shared information about the 2020 Convergence Display in Knoxville.
• Kim Gavin, HGA Board member, shared additional information about the July Convergence in Knoxville. This is a “national weaving event” featuring a market with major vendors that will allow hands-on equipment trials, a fashion show, and classes. It will be held at the Knoxville Convention Center. Details are available on-line.
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects; photos will be on the blogspot.
Next Meeting: March 21 at 10:00 a.m – “Swap and Sell: Stash Buster Time!”
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda Kelley, Secretary
SVH Minutes
SVH Minutes
- 2020 dues are payable anytime between now and December 31st. Must be paid before January 1st.
- Phyllis announced that as the 2020 Chair she would like to hold Board Meetings separate from the regular Guild meetings so the monthly meetings are not consumed with business details. This will give more time for programs and Show & Share so meetings do not run as long on Saturdays.
- November 16th Meeting: Steve has cancelled his studio tour. Wanda will present the program, “Ergonomics in Weaving.” Carla will be the chair for the meeting.
- December 14th Covered Dish Holiday Party (changed from Dec. 21st by a show of hands at the meeting). The meeting will be held at R&M Yarns.
Scenic Valley Handweavers Guild
Phyllis Narus, Secretary
Scenic Valley Handweavers Guild
Program Chairs: Sandi updated everyone on the Elaine Bradley workshop (13 total)
June 15, 2019 Meeting Minutes
Phyllis then gave the treasurer’s
Present: PhyllisNarus,MaryCole,TawandaPrivett,ChrisBindrim,CarlaBoudrot,SueMacDuff,SusanSpeed, Steve Prentice, Martha Ooten, Joyce Forshee, Wanda Kelley, Jane Collins and 3 guests—Brenda Derryberry, Wally Whitman & Marie Whitman (the Witmans joined).
Minutes & Treasurer’s Report: Phyllis Narus, Secretary/Treasurer read the Minutes from the January 19th meeting. Chris Bindrim moved to accept them as read; 2nd by Tawanda; motion passed. Phyllis then gave the treasurer’s report. Phyllis handed out new members’ information on self-adhesive labels to be added to their individual 2019 Membership Books— Sharon Martin, Jeff Martin and Sue MacDuff were the new members added. Labels for the Whitmans will be distributed at next month’s meeting.
Program Reports: Carla announced that the March program would be “Rigid Heddle Progressive Weaving” introduced by Sandi Suggs. A sign up sheet was passed around for those interested—Carla, Chris, Martha, Steve & Phyllis indicated interest.
Old Business:
- By-Laws proposal: Carla made the motion to accept the changes as proposed; 2nd by Jane; motion passed.
- Elaine Bradley 2-Day Weaving Workshop: guild members wishing to participate in this workshop have until March 16th to register before it is opened to non-guild members. Phyllis will have a square account operating soon for registrants to pay their $50 deposit to secure their spot.
- R&M Fiber Education Festival: the May 11th event will take place on the front lawn of R&M Yarns. A sign up sheet was passed around for volunteers to indicate what area they would like to help with or what they would like to demonstrate. Another sign up sheet was completed for those that have articles they would like to display, which could also be for sale (copies of sign up sheets attached).
- Book Reviews: Steve shared a book on Tablet Weaving published in 1973. Mary shared “Overshot Simply” and “Weaving Designs” by Bertha Gray Hayes.
- As a future guild challenge, Phyllis suggested a “miniature overshot” piece by each member.
- Next month’s chair will be Phyllis (Carla and Phyllis swapped months; Carla will chair June).
- Steve announced “Art for the Heart” to be held February 20th at Morningside where he and Carla will be demonstrating a fiber art technique and invited others to join them.
- Guild challenge for 2019 should be announced at the March meeting.
Phyllis Narus, Secretary
Meeting Chair: Jane chaired this month’s meeting which was held at the R&M Yarns Studio beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Minutes: Chris moved & Mary seconded that the minutes from the last meeting be accepted as posted on the blogspot; motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Phyllis gave the treasurer’s report.
Program Report: Co-chair, Carla, reported the next few months’ laid out in the January post on the SVH blogspot. The February program will be “Troubleshooting and Tips for Weaving” led by Phyllis. Let Phyllis know if you have any tips to include in her presentation.
R&M Yarns Education Festival: Phyllis indicated that she will be sending out the “invitation” email later this month for the May 11, 2019 event. More animals are needed for exhibition and Martha is will- ing to bring her pygora goats in addition to the Critter Corral folks that attended last year with their fiber animals and sheep shearing demonstrations. Carla and Wilma are the committee chairs for the Guild’s involvement in this festival.
September 27-28, 2019 Weaving Workshop: Phyllis discussed the possible workshops that Elaine Bradley outlined in a previous email and asked which one our Guild wanted Elaine to teach. “Introduction to Summer and Winter” was chosen which also includes a bonus discussion on profile drafting and blocks. The workshop will be held at the Birchwood Community Center, Birchwood, TN. There will not be an evening lecture/trunk show offered prior to the workshop.
- ByLaws: Phyllis will make several updates and present them at the next meeting for a vote.
- Book Reviews: anyone wishing to present a book review needs to let the chair of that meeting know so it can put it on the agenda.
- Weaving in Public: Co-chair Tawanda reported that the Cleveland Library space is limited, especially in the summer when kids are out of school. After discussion, it was decided to not have a “weaving in public” event in 2019 since we are having a 2-day workshop. Members are asked to attend area festivals this fall to see if any would be a good fit for our guild. The Cleveland Apple Festival and Charleston Cow Pea Festival were mentioned.
- Smoky Mountain Fiber Arts Festival: Chris has agreed to chair our guild’s involvement at this festival April 12-14, 2019 in Townsend, TN. Our guild will have a covered booth space on the front porch of the Transportation Building. Members are asked to come and demonstrate or help represent the guild. Let Chris know if you are coming.
New Business:
Steve announced that the Morningside Senior Living facility located at 2900 Westside Drive, NW, Cleveland, TN, is hosting an event called “Art for the Heart” on Wednesday, February 20th, 2-4 pm. He is representing the guild as a weaver and asked anyone else to attend as well. The local newspaper will be there and we could possibly take advantage of this publicity for our guild.
HGA’s 2020 Convergence is to be held in Knoxville, TN and organizers are beginning to form commit- tees for volunteers. Check HGA’s website for more information:
Program: Steve presented the “Progressive Weaving” project. A 4-harness table loom was warped with 8/2 natural cotton, 22 epi, in an “M&W” threading with several weaving options presented. Each partici- pant can weave 19” under tension with 1.5” hem on each end for a total weaving length of 22”. Steve handed out a detailed description with instructions.
Show & Share: Several members shared their most recent weaving projects. Check the blogspot for photographs.
Note: Mary shared two used book websites: & Meeting Adjourned at approximately 12:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis Narus, Secretary
5. Carla – Glitter scarf with beads. Cotton acrylic yarn – Shawl I a ball by Lyon. Blue variegated.
November 18, 2017 Minutes
Treasurer, Phyllis Narus gave the current Treasurer's report.
Show and Share
1. Steve Prentice showed his Christmas Towels.
2. Phyllis showed two wool rugs in pink and gray variegated yarn and some items she picked up on her last trip including some handmade buttons.
3. Chris Brindrim showed a rectangular scarf.
4. Donna Barked showed her echo samples for the Complex Weaver’s Sixteen Group. She also had a notebook containing the samples she received in the exchange.
Current Plans
Minutes: October 21, 2017Meeting was called to order by Chris Brindrim, the Chairperson.
The Treasurer report was given by Phyllis Narus. The secretary’s report was read by Donna Barker. Jane added a correction to change the word ‘president’ to ‘chairperson’.
An amendment was proposed to the By-Laws. The word “present” is to be inserted paragraph X.1 to read "Voting shall be decided by a 2/3 vote of members present". Vote on this amendment will be at the November meeting.
The 2018 proposed budget was presented and accepted. Mary Smith made a motion we accept this budget and Marie Bindrim seconded. Motion accepted.The budget includes membership in the Handweavers Guild of America (HGA) for 2018.
The Program chairperson will be the guild interface with the HGA and determine how the guild can make use of the membership. Guild dues for 2018 are due starting in this October meeting.
Nominations were made for next year – Chairperson – Chris Bindrim, Program – Carla Boudrot, Secretary – Donna Barker and Treasurer – Phyllis Narus. A motion on the slate was made by Wilma Chambers and seconded by Mary Smith. The vote will be in November.
The meetings for the next two months as follows:
--November 18th meeting at the R&M with a brunch potluck and a show and share. Note that this meeting will begin at 10 AM.
--December 16th meeting is a visit to the Kim Gavin’s Studio in Chattanooga. The Christmas exchange of handmade ornaments will be part of the program. Meet 9 AM at R&M for rides, otherwise meet at Kim’s at 10 AM. Parking is beside the building. Kim’s address is: 1428 Williams St, Suite B and D, Chattanooga, TN 37408.
The Program chair will be open to suggestions for next year of another artist studio.
Discussion was held on ideas for challenge next year. The final choice was to be “Wearables”. The item can be scarves, hats, jewelry, necklace, etc. If we have a show next year on October, these will be part of the display.
The guild Bag challenge was due this month. The following presented their results – Chris BIndrim, Steve Prentice, Donna Barker, Marie Bindrim, Wilma Chambers, Wanda Kelley and Phyllis Narus. Best ideas from this challenge were the surprise of how well the colors of the various yarns mixed and the different techniques used. The worst was the use of the required yarn provided by the Bindrims.
The Shibori scarves was brought to be photographed. The idea was presented to use these two collections ( October Bags and Shibori scarves) for display in the 2018 Fiber Educational Fest in May. Bring ideas for a 2018 guild workshop. One suggestion is the Transparency weaving or Theo Moorman.
Phyllis Narus is looking into bringing a nationally known weaving teacher. She has talked with Tom Knisely. Using him as example, the expenses for an artist might be $500/day for 3-day workshop, an evening lecture, transportation to Chattanooga, meals for teacher, lodging. Tom's limit is 16 – 18 students. Other expenses would include rental rooms for class and lecture. Using Tom as example the cost would run around $3000. Fees for the student would be about $150.00. Club members would have a lower cost that a non-member. Phyllis had talked to Tom about being lodged with her, which would save us that expense.
Jane Collins reviewed the book, “Jacquard’s Web”.
Show and Share:
1). Steve Prentice – Towels in fall colors
2). Wilma Chambers – Appalachian Center for Crafts challenge to weave blocks in plain weave.
3). Wanda Kelley – Towels in red and black with light background
4). Phyllis Narus – Black gray scarf
5). Chris Bindrim – Rectangular scarf.
Respectfully submitted by Donna Barker, Secretary
Minutes: September 15, 2017
Meeting was called to order by Chris Brindrim, the President.
Before starting the business meeting, Chris led us on a tour of the building. This is the Community Center for the town of Birchwood, but was the Birchwood Elementary School. The kindergarten room was chosen for part one of the Shibori Class last Saturday as well as for the meeting today. Had many rooms that could be put to many uses.
Old Business:
The Bag Challenge is due in Oct; write-up can be found on guild website.
Next the Treasurer report was given by Phyllis. Each participant in the Shibori Class received a refund of $10.00. A motion was made by Marie Brindrim and seconded by Wilma Chambers to make a donation of $100.00 to the school for use of their room (for both days).
The secretary’s report was read by Donna Barker. Phyllis added a correction to include her towels in the August show and share ( and the towels were beautiful distracting me from including them in my notes).
Additional business was a discussion on the Smokey Mountain Arts Festival on April 20 – 22nd, 2018. Steve Prentice mentioned that the application must be completed and sent to the approval committee. Steve thinks we will have the whole porch, which is out in front. It is covered and may have some rain protection. Steve will warp the demonstration loom.
The 2018 Fiber Educational Fest was discussed. This will be held at R&M Yarn on Saturday, May 12 with Friday May 11th as setup day. Looking for volunteers for the Kid’s Shooting Gallery. More demonstration/vendors needed for empty space. Keep in mind that just after the first of the year, we will be updating the visual aids for the festival. Since the guild sale booth did not do well this year, we will not have one next year.
The discussion started on ideas for a guild challenge and/or a guild show at the school. The challenge description is still in the works. Phyllis is going to check on the use of this room for a guild show/sale for the 3rd Saturday in October, 2018.
The October meeting will include the presentation of officers for next year. Their election will also be part of this meeting. Don’t forget the October Bag Challenge.
The November 18th meeting will be tour of the Kim Gavin’s studio (Phyllis to check with Kim).
The December 16th meeting will be a pot luck and gift exchange of a handmade ornament.
The meeting was followed by the indigo dyeing of the shibori scarves made at the workshop last Saturday.
Show and Share:
1). Wilma Chambers brought an indigo scarf which included sections of different yarns, structures and different colorations.
2 Sandi Suggs showed a handbag she made from fabric, black with lettering and red side inserts.
Submitted by Donna Jean Barker, co-Secretary
Minutes: August 19, 2017
Meeting was called to order by Chris Brindrim, the President.
Phyllis Narus has confirmed our reservations at the Birchwood Community Center (per GPS, may be listed as closed Birchwood Elementary School). The Shibori class on September 9th and the SVHG meeting on September 16th will be held in the kindergarten classroom at the center.
Next the Treasurer report was given by Phyllis. No change from last month.
Additional business was a discussion to determine interest in participating in the Smokey Mountain Arts Festival on April 20 – 22nd, 2018. To both demonstrate weaving and sell will cost $85.00. Just demonstrating would be free. The first motion (made and seconded) was passed to participating to both demonstrate/sell. With some discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and pass to set at 20% of each sale will be paid to our guild to cover expenses. Steve Prentice will be coordinating the vendors for the festival and will help in the booth location. Our location will have a covering, but possible no rain protection. We will need people to man the booth throughout the weekend – Friday and Saturday, 9 AM to 5 PM and Sunday 10 AM to 4 PM.
The demonstration at the Chattanooga Library in June was discussed. The library did not do any advertising of their event. The guild is going to see what the library will do for next year before determining whether the guild will participate. The guild is hoping the library will develop better plans.
Reminder that the Bag Challenge is due in October; the write up can be found on guild website.
3). Wilma also showed an indigo shibori design. This was a stitched shibori which when dyed gave an interesting circular design.
4. Donna showed a handwoven blanket that her daughter had found in a reuse clothing store. The blanket had the label Goodwin Guild.
5. Chris Bindrim showed an assortment of towels and mug rugs that he wove with his newest loom which he demonstrated last month.
6. Marie Bindrim showed a set of honeycomb towels in many variations and many colors
The meeting was called to order by Leader, Chris Bindrim. The Chattanooga Library demonstration last month was reviewed. Included in the discussion was whether it would be worth doing next year. No decision was made.
Minutes: January 21, 2017
Old Business.
Book Review: No book review this month.
SVH Secretary
Minutes: January 21, 2017
Old Business.
Book Review: No book review this month.
SVH Secretary
Minutes of the October 15, 2016 Meeting
Members met at 9:00 a.m. at the R&M Yarns Studio in Georgetown, TN, with the business meeting beginning at 9:32 a.m. Those in attendance: Phyllis Narus, Jane Collins, Mary Smith, Wanda Kelley, Wilma Chambers, Donna Barker, Marcia Wells & Carla Boudrot. Guest: Vicki Brewster (joined later)
Old Business:
—Open Action Items were discussed. The action item regarding members contributing one handwoven item for the Guild sales table at next year’s Fiber Education Festival to offset festival expenses was announced. Two other “open” action items were not discussed because the involved members were not present.
New Business:
—Donna moved that the Minutes from the September meeting be accepted as written; seconded by Wilma; motion passed.
—Treasurer’s Report was given by Phyllis. No change from last month.
—2017 dues paid by: Wilma, Marcia, Donna, Vicki, Phyllis, Carla. Members were encouraged to pay 2017dues before the January meeting. Treasurer started the “Petty Cash” fund (which was previously approved) with $30 cash collected from the dues paid.
—2017 Officer nominations were announced and elections will take place at the November meeting.
Proposed officers: Chris, chair; Wilma & Wanda, Co-Program chairs; Donna & Marie, Co-Secretaries; Phyllis, Treasurer.
All members are encouraged to apply for a position of interest.
—Wilma reported that she will need help taking down the Rug Exhibit at the Crossville Library on Tuesday, November 1st, at 9 a.m. Central Time. Some members’ items will be brought to R&M Yarns Studio for retrieval when convenient.
—Wilma announced a class, “Magical Shibori Dyeing” being offered March 18, 2017 at the Appalachian Center for Craft/Tennessee Tech in Smithville, TN for $75 (which includes all materials and probably lunch). Description: “Use natural indigo and various, Century’s old techniques to create beautifully patterned silk and cotton scarves.” If members are interested, please contact Wilma as soon as possible—open to the first 10 students. Note that this is a regularly scheduled SVH Guild meeting date.
—Jane announced she is missing her Knitty Knotty made of cherry wood that was used at last year’s Fiber Education Festival at R&M Yarns. Did someone pick it up by mistake during the rushed packing because of the torrential rains?
Show & Share: Jane: light and airy cotton, etc. shawls; Carla: woven beaded bracelet; Marcia: twill cotton towels; Wilma: color weave effect Gamp; Donna: in depth explanation of “Lampas” weaving and showed samples she had woven of this luxury fabric that is part of the Complex Weavers Group project; Phyllis: 2/2 Bird’s Eye twill cotton towels; Mary: doubleweave samples.
Book Review: Mary reviewed “Doubleweave” by Jennifer Moore.
Program: Mary did a fantastic job demonstrating on her Gilmore Loom how to accomplish several different doubleweave results—two layer, double width, tubular and pick up. She distributed several handouts on the subject and shared various books that contain doubleweave projects.
Meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
Phyllis Narus
Acting Secretary for Steve Prentice
Book Review: No book review this month. Volunteers for next month needed – contact the Secretary.
Book Review: Steve presented a review of ‘Weaving: A Handbook for Fiber Craftsmen’ by Shirley E. Held. This book changed cover and title in the second edition but the contents remain almost the same. A highly recognized text book for tertiary education it has extensive background and practical information on weaving and related fiber production. The examples are clearly explained and there is a wealth of added information in appendices.
Minutes: July 16, 2016
Book Review: Donna presented a review of ‘Weave, Knit and Wear by Judith Shangold. This book shows that a rigid heddle loom with creative planning can produce superb articles of clothing. It clearly identifies how the basic shaping works from the loom and how to combine sewing and/or knitting to that basic shape to make the various garments. A very useful book for the techniques which can be adapted to almost any project.
Donna also presented a review of her attendance at the recent Complex Weavers Convention (which is held every two years). She attended the following classes:
Single color designing
Dobby to digital
Lampas unleased
Fun with interlaced threading
Photoshop – how to design a lift plan and
Color interaction for weavers
Book Review: Jane presented the “A Weaver’s Book of 8-Shaft Patterns: From the Friends of Handwoven” edited by Carol Strickler. There are local connections in the book with an early example by an R&M customer and an entry by Jane’s Dad (page 27). Good instructions on skeleton tie-up and examples showing different treadlings with a series of threading/tie-up/treadling combinations showing what will occur with each.
Examples of Dornic Twill, Overshot, and Diversified Plain Weave amongst others.
The book is available from R&M Yarns at $37.95 (and other outlets should you search).
Attendance: Phyllis Narus, Jane Collins, Mary Smith, Wanda Kelley, Wilma Chambers, Donna Barker, Joy Morgan, Chris Bindrim, Marie Bindrim, Teri Johnson, Lee Cummings.
Guests: Kit Schwinn and Paul Eakin.
Mary asked everyone to introduce themselves since we had a guest, Kit Schwinn, visiting. Kit is a weaver and found our guild through a “Google” search.
Old Business: Phyllis shared the Action Sheet that Steve provided. All items on the list are now “closed” except: 1) all members are to send Steve their current information for the Membership Book including looms, etc.; 2) members are to contact Wanda with any potential tutors for guild programs; and 3) members are to send Steve any fiber related URLs for inclusion on the SVH blog.
The Minutes from the February meeting were distributed. There being no additions or corrections, Chris B. moved they be accepted as printed; Joy M. seconded; motion passed.
Phyllis gave the Treasurer’s Report which indicates a balance of $974.00. Since Jane’s name is on the checking account as a signor and she is no longer an officer, she asked if the Guild wanted to replace her with a current officer. After discussion, Wilma moved we leave Jane as a signor on the checking account; Chris seconded; motion passed.
Those attending Stitches South and wishing to carpool, contact R&M Yarns (423.961.0690) to make arrangements. Some may be departing from Chattanooga and some from Athens, TN.
Reports—Rug Exhibit: Wilma reminded everyone of the “Weavers of the Cumberland” Rug Exhibit in Crossville later this year. All entry forms are due at the July guild meeting and the rugs will be picked up at the August meeting by Wilma. She encouraged everyone to make a rug, no matter the size or fiber content, and she will find a category and place to display it. However, 40” is the maximum width for rugs that are to be hung from the balcony in the foyer of the Library.
Reports—Fiber Education Festival: Phyllis discussed the idea of an Activity Booklet to be completed by those attending the Festival this year and showed the rough draft that Steve prepared. It is the feeling that distributing the Booklet for guests to complete will encourage more interaction with the demonstrators. There will be a drawing for prizes for those that complete all pages of the Booklet. Winners will be notified to come by R&M Yarn store to collect their prizes.
Phyllis distributed the “Volunteer Sign Up Sheet” for responsibilities at the Festival. Most areas are now covered. Those participating should plan to come no later than 9:00 a.m. to set up. Phyllis will be at the shop no later than 8:00 a.m. for those wishing to help set up tents, etc.
Teri announced a juried art fair being held in Tellico Plains called “Art on the Square” on September 10th and 11th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact: for an application to participate.
Book Review: Wilma shared 3 books by the author Elizabeth Wayland Barber that she highly recommends: Women’s Work: The first 20,000 years; The Mummies of Ãœrümchi; and Prehistoric Textiles.
Mary will give a book review at the May 21st meeting on “Next Steps in Weaving—What You Never Knew You Needed to Know” by Patti Graver.
Show & Share: Several members showed recent weaving projects they’ve completed. Watch for photos on our blogspot.
Program: Jane gave the program on inkle loom weaving. She distributed a handout and demonstrated how to make heddles, winding techniques and how to achieve different patterns in a project.
There will NOT be a Guild meeting in April. The next meeting will be Saturday, May 21st, at the R&M Yarns Studio in Georgetown.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis Narus
Acting Secretary for Steve Prentice
Action #
Status comment
Send current member listing to Secretary
Continuing to update hope to close in March
Investigate construction of Earth loom for festival and ongoing use
see report this month
Design and purchase SVH Guild business cards
see report this month
Investigate SVHGuild email
emails now coming from this account
Minutes of meeting: January 16, 2016