Monday, November 29, 2021

Member-Only Holiday Party

Guild members are invited to attend a Holiday Luncheon and Party at Steve's home in Old Fort on Saturday, December 4, 2021 beginning at Noon.  Contact Steve if you need directions.

Everyone is to bring a finger food to share.  There will NOT be a gift exchange this year.

No "Regular" Meeting in December

The Guild will NOT have a regular meeting in December.  Meetings should resume on the 3rd Saturday in January, permitting.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

November Guild Meeting

The November meeting will be held at the R&M Yarns Fiber Art Studio beginning at 9:30 a.m. for shopping & socializing on Saturday, November 20th.  Business meeting to begin promptly at 10 a.m.

Program:  Leno and Beads in the Weft by Carla Boudrot.

Bring "Show & Share" items and your 2022 annual dues ($20) if you have not already paid them.

Note from R&M:  New shipment of 8/2 cotton colors should be on the shelves for purchase!

Monday, October 18, 2021

October 16, 2021 Meeting Pics

Tablet/Card Weaving pictures as well as our "Show & Share" items are now uploaded under the "Photos" tab above.  Great meeting.  Thanks, Steve, for sharing your expertise in Tablet/Card Weaving!

Friday, September 24, 2021

Basket Weaving Supplies--Website

What a fun time we had in our 2 Basket Weaving Classes!  Both of these "beginning level" baskets took about 5 hours to complete...depending on the student's experience level.  The workshops were such a success that we may offer another one in a year or two...depending on the interest.  

Our Basket Weaving instructor, Donna Calhoun of UT Extension in Polk County, is sharing her preferred website for basket weaving supplies.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

October Guild Meeting

The October meeting will be held at the R&M Yarns Fiber Art Studio in Georgetown, TN, at 10 a.m. (9:30 for shopping & socializing) on Saturday, October 16th.

Program:  Tablet/Card Weaving by Steve 

Bring Show & Share items.

Reminders:  $20 annual dues are payable at this meeting.  Also, the 2022 Officers will be officially nominated and elected at this meeting.

Friday, September 17, 2021

September Guild Meeting

The monthly guild meeting be Saturday, September 18th, beginning at 10 a.m. (9:30 for shopping and socializing) at the R&M Fiber Art Studio, 8510 Hwy. 60, Georgetown, TN 37336.

The program this month will be the REVEAL & EXHIBITION of the Guild Challenge!

Bring any "Show & Share" items you have finished; we all love the inspiration!

Saturday, July 17, 2021

August Guild Meeting--New Date!

Added 8/14/21 after the Fashion Show....

A new meeting date has been set for the August meeting since several members will be attending the Michigan Fiber Arts Festival during the 3rd weekend.

2nd SATURDAY:  AUGUST 14th at 10 a.m. at the R&M Fiber Studio.

This will be the VEST REVEAL & EXHIBIT so plan on modeling your completed vest!  Also share with everyone the fibers, pattern, etc. that you used to create your project.

Members were emailed a form to complete and bring to the meeting so we can announce you and "How I Did What I Did" as you model your vest.  Email if you need a copy of this form.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

July Guild Meeting

July's meeting will be on Saturday, the 17th, beginning at 10 a.m. (9:30 for shopping & socializing) at the R&M Yarns Fiber Art Studio in Georgetown, TN.

Our program will be a continuation of the Vest Project:  Participants should have their fabric planned and/or woven to bring to the meeting.  There will be a discussion on the proper way to cut the woven fabric, etc. with experienced seamstresses.  The completed Vest will be exhibited/modeled at the August meeting.

Of course, everyone should bring their latest finished projects for "Show & Share."  

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Twining Demo at the April Meeting

Candy (a new guild member) is demonstrating Twining using cloth strips and a twining loom she purchased.  Denita also helped with the demonstration.  Several members tried their hands at twining during the meeting.  Fun!  Wanda even made her own loom and brought it to show and her "almost-finished" rug...see pic below.



2 Finished Rugs by Candy.

Wanda's "almost-finished" twined rug on home-crafted loom by her.

Monday, May 3, 2021

May Meeting

We will be getting back to our regular Saturday meeting dates beginning in May.  May's meeting will be on Saturday, the 15th, beginning at 10 a.m. (9:30 for shopping & socializing)

Our program will involve preliminary discussions for the Vest Project.  Participants in this project should bring an already-made vest to create a pattern from or a pattern they'd like to follow.  We will discuss how to plan the warp to fit each person's particular vest.  Feel free to bring colored pencils for design work for the warp.

Details will be discussed regarding the two Woven Basket workshops scheduled for September 7th & 21st (both are Tuesdays).  The Registration Form for these 2 classes are under the "Events" tab above.

Of course, everyone should bring their latest finished projects for "Show & Share."  

There will be a surprise "Show & Share" of a 1970s Wedding Dress which was handwoven by a guild member!  Can't wait to see this!

Sunday, March 14, 2021

April Meeting--NEW DATE

Our April meeting will be the 2nd Saturday instead of the 3rd....Saturday, April 10th beginning at 10 a.m. (9:30 social time/shopping) at the R&M Yarns Studio in Georgetown, TN.

The program will be TWINING led by Denita & Candy.  See "twining" example below. 

We will be conducting our entire meeting via Zoom (or comparable platform) so please watch for an email with instructions on how to join us LIVE!  

Bring "Show & Share" or be ready to share via Zoom.  Lots of weaving has been done while we've all been quarantined and we all want to see it!

(check out the "photos" tab to see what items were shared at the March meeting)


Adjustable Twining Loom

Thursday, March 11, 2021

March Guild Meeting--NEW DATE

The March meeting has been changed from the 20th to Saturday, March 13th beginning at the normal time...9:30 for social time and 10 a.m. for the meeting followed by the program.

Wanda and Denita are working on conducting this meeting and the program via ZOOM so all guild members will have the opportunity to be included.  

The program will cover the many questions weavers have regarding what yarns to choose for specific projects, the size, what the sett should be, etc.  Part of the program will include a video by Kelly Cassanova on yarn types.  

The Zoom portion of the meeting will be from 11:00 a.m. to Noon.  Connection information to Zoom will be forthcoming via email.

Members and Guests are encouraged to bring their latest weaving projects to share with the group for motivation and inspiration.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

February Meeting

Our February meeting will be Saturday, February 20th beginning at the normal time...9:30 for social and 10:00 for meeting and program.

Program:  "Rock Weaving" led by Wally

Bring:  Smooth Rock, Yarn and Rawhide (if you have it)

Don't forget to bring any "Show & Share" items!

Also if you have not paid your 2021 dues, please, please bring them.  They are way past due!

Saturday, January 9, 2021

January Guild Meeting

Happy New Year Fellow Weavers! 

We will have our first meeting of the New Year on Saturday, January 16th beginning at 9:30 for social and coffee time with the business starting at 10 a.m.  Coffee and Hot Tea is available...bring your own cup!  

The meeting will be held at the R&M Yarns Fiber Art Studio, 8510 Hwy. 60, Georgetown, TN 37336.  Everyone welcome...members and guests!

  • The program will be "Clasped Warp on a Rigid Heddle Loom" led by Marie.

  • A tentative list of programs for 2021 will be presented by the SVH Board which is open for discussion and revision.

  • Bring your 2021 dues if you have not already mailed them to our Treasurer.

  • Bring any finished projects for "Show & Share"...I'm sure there are many!