Wednesday, February 12, 2025

February Meeting

 The February meeting will be held at the normal (Birchwood Community Center - 5623 TN-60, Birchwood, TN 37308)venue starting at 10.  The first hour will be a free-form craft period. Bring a project to work on or just come along and observe/question other members on what they are doing.

The formal meeting will begin at 11.

The normal 'show and share' will follow and don't forget that a SVH "Work in Progress" private group exists on Facebook to show either finished or unfinished work in progress.  Search for the page and request to join.

The 'program' is the start of the SVH 2025 Challenge: Mystery Envelope.  If you miss this meeting but want to participate there will be an extension to March if needed.  The challenge reveal is September

Monday, February 3, 2025

New info published



 The photo's from the January Show and Share are now published, along with minutes and an updated calendar for 2025

Sunday, January 5, 2025

January Guild Meeting

Our first meeting of the new year will be Saturday, January 18, 2025 beginning at 10 am at R&M Yarns Fiber Art Studio (8510 Hwy. 60, Georgetown, TN).  (The Birchwood Community Center has a conflict on the 18th.) 

As usual, the first hour of the meeting will be an informal, relaxed atmosphere where everyone works on individual projects or just hangs out and visits with others. 

  • 11:00 a.m.--business meeting & introduction of new officers
  • Program:  Brainstorming for this year's calendar of programs--all members to participate.  Bring your ideas for monthly programs as well as a possible workshop outside of our regular meetings.

    Remember to bring "Show & Share" items you have finished or issues you're having that need resolutions.

Friday, January 3, 2025

SVH Holiday Party 2024

For those that couldn't make it to the Holiday Party at Steve's on the 14th, here are some photos of the studio etc and a recap of what happened.


Oak & Fern Studio  

Everyone arrived bearing gifts (and food) so the first order of the day was to eat!  This was followed by a very brief SVH meeting most of which was taken up by Steve explaining what the 2025 SVH challenge will be.  This will be repeated during the January meeting and the actual Challenge will start in February with the reveal occurring late in the year to give everyone plenty of time to procrastinate.

As hinted at in the last post, there was a 'game' to wake everyone up after lunch.  This year everyone was given a list of questions/statements and on the studio, etc walls--all paintings and pictures had a number on them.  The idea was to match the questions to the numbers (the clues were mostly contained in the paintings).  This turned out to be a challenge for most but the eventual winner was Larry who managed 12 out of 18 and took away a prize of a pair of handwoven cotton coasters.

The final activity was the annual gift exchange which saw some very creative and attractive gifts and a little bit of careful guarding along with a few thefts as allowed in the rules.

We wound down and said our goodbyes and wrapped up another successful holiday gathering.