The August meeting will be held August 20th at R&M Yarns, 8510
Highway 60, Georgetown, TN 37336. (423) 961-0690. Normal start time of
9:00 for social gathering then the meeting starts at 9:30.
The agenda will include various old business, new business including more on the Fiber Education Festival, planing for the road trip to Crossville next month (which will be the September meeting) and some HGA updates.
The agenda will include various old business, new business including more on the Fiber Education Festival, planing for the road trip to Crossville next month (which will be the September meeting) and some HGA updates.
Don't forget to bring along all your appropriately named and ready to hang rugs for the Weavers of the Cumberland Rug Exhibit.
There will be a book review by Steve: Weaving: A Handbook for Fiber Craftsmen, by Shirley E. Held
Our normal show and share.
The program is Inlay weaving by Phyllis.