Monday, October 13, 2014

October 18th "Off Site" Meeting

Bill will be hosting our October monthly gathering at his Studio in Chattanooga on the 18th beginning at 9:00 a.m. RSVP requested.

Since Bill will be providing snacks and has limited space, he would like everyone to RSVP that is planning on attending.  Email: or send a text to his mobile or leave a message at 708.769.9899.  If you need directions to his studio, please email or call.

Officer nominations for President, Program Leader(s) & Secretary will be taken at this meeting with elections and installations at the November 15th meeting.

Mark your calendars for November 1st for the R&M Yarns Annual Fiber Education Festival on the front lawn.  SVH's help with this festival is greatly appreciated by R&M's owner and SVH member, Phyllis Narus.