Our monthly meeting will be Saturday, February 17th and will be held at the Birchwood Community Center. (If the heat is not working, the meeting will be held at R&M YARNS; check back close to the meeting date for any changes.)
Our new meeting format will continue this year because of the positive response:
- beginning at 10 am we will enjoy an informal, relaxed time of working on individual projects, visiting, checking out our neighbors' projects, etc. (weaving, knitting, crochet, felting, etc.)
- business meeting: 11 to approx. 11:30 a.m.
- enjoy "Show & Share" where we present our latest, finished weaving projects for inspiration and motivation!
- Program: TBA but each member should be prepared to list a HEMSTITCH they will demonstrate at the April meeting. You may want to bring a RH loom for the demo or ask to demo on someone else's loom (make those arrangements prior to the April meeting).