The November meeting will be held at the R&M Yarns Fiber Art Studio at 8510 Highway 60, Georgetown, TN on Saturday, November 21st beginning at 10 a.m. (come at 9:30 to shop or socialize).
The program will be Warping Techniques led by various Guild members. Phyllis & Marie plan to show how they warp a floor loom; Carla will warp a rigid heddle loom using a technique she developed.
The $20 annual dues for 2021 are now due and payable. Please get these to Wanda BEFORE the January meeting in order to stay on the membership role for SVH.
Mark your calendars for a Christmas Holiday Party at 1 pm at Phyllis' home in Georgetown (about a mile from R&M). Everyone is to bring a dish to share as well as a homemade item (one you've made) for exchange ($10-$15 retail value).
Don't forget to being your "Show and Share" items for inspiration and motivation to the November meeting!
Don't forget to being your "Show and Share" items for inspiration and motivation to the November meeting!