Happy Rainy Weather fellow weavers!!
This is a reminder that the meeting this Saturday, 17 November 2018, will be our holiday brunch. Bring a dish that will serve 10 to 12 people. Bring a weaver friend if you know someone who would like to meet fellow craftsmen and craftswomen. And bring your Show and Share items.
A reminder that this is the day to bring your scarves to donate to Scarves for Charity Chattanooga. Thank you to Sandi Suggs for heading up this marvelous charity. A little bird told me that this year they collected over 700 scarves, a 3x increase over last year!! Our donation will start the ball rolling for next year.
The meeting/brunch will start at 10:00AM, note the difference in time from our usual meeting. We will meet at R&M yarns as usual. Sandi Suggs will be our meeting chair this week.
As a preview, our December meeting will be used as a strategy planning meeting for 2019, so play to attend if at all possible. We would like to have as much input as possible to help us get ready for next year. We want to talk about how to grow our membership as well as what the membership wants from YOUR guild.
Phyllis and Sandi will give an update on the Convergence 2020 planning meeting held in Knoxville on November 8th and attended by Phyllis, Sandi, Mary and Donna and Paul Eakin from SVH.
See you Saturday, 11/17/2018!